For best results, please ensure that you have access to both devices.

  1. On your old device that you would like to transfer progress from, please make sure that your account is linked by following the steps here: How to Link your Account
    Note: Please ensure that you are logged in to the correct Google Play/Apple ID account.

  2. On your new device that you would like to transfer progress to, please ensure that you are logged in to the correct Google Play/Apple ID account.

  3. On your new device, follow the steps here: How to Link your Account

  4. You should see the following popup message:

  5. In the picture above, the progress on the old device is the Remote save, while the Local save is the progress on the new device. Select Load (under Remote) to transfer the progress from your old device to your new device.
    1. You will only be able to have one save with one Google Play/Apple ID account.

  6. The following confirmation popup will show up. Tap on Yes. 

  7. If everything is successful, you should see the following message.